About Us » Accountability/Performance Reports

Accountability/Performance Reports


The Dos Palos State Preschool Program participates in the QRIS program, which is overseen by the Merced County Office of Education (MCOE). QRIS looks at the program’s quality components and provides support for continual improvement. The Dos Palos State  Preschool Program has a High Quality rating.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) 

Each classroom is reviewed on interactions among teachers and children, as these daily interactions promote children’s social and cognitive development. This observational tool is used to help teaching staff to continue to grow. 


Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS)

The program utilizes the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales (ECERS). Each classroom is rated annually, based upon 1) Space and furnishings 2) Personal Care Routines 3) Language-Reasoning 4) Activities 5) Interaction 6) Program Structure and 7) Parents and Staff. The ECERS are designed to assess process quality in an early childhood setting. Quality is assessed through observation. The results of the ratings are used by staff to develop improvement plans to continue to improve program quality.

                                                   Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation
DPSP’s California State Preschool Program maintains high quality, developmentally appropriate environments that meet or exceed standards set by the State of California. By using a variety of measurement tools to evaluate our program on a regular basis we continually look for ways to improve. DPSP conducts a yearly self-assessment of its program. (DPSP develops and implements an annual plan for our program self-evaluation process.) During this process we identify areas that need improvement in our classroom environments by utilizing the Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS), Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), curriculum, staff development, parent engagement and satisfaction with our program and how well we are meeting the needs of the families we serve. An annual Parent survey is used to measure the level of satisfaction of our families. A plan of action is created each year to use that feedback and information to make further improvements to our centers. Dos Palos California State Preschool Program is licensed by the California Department of Social Services and undergoes periodic inspection to ensure continual compliance with all regulations.